Once downloaded, it’ll auto-detect the APK file by the installed Android Emulator tool.
Now, you can download the ThopTV APK file on your PC from the link above.
First, make sure to install BlueStacks or Nox Player (Android Emulator) tool on your computer.
If in case, the Windows executable installer file isn’t available for some reason or not working on your Windows OS computer then make sure to do the following steps: If required, wait for a couple of seconds.
Next, follow the on-screen instructions to install it completely.
Select Run as administrator > If prompted by UAC (User Account Control), click on Yes to proceed.
Now, right-click on the downloaded ThopTV exe installer file.
First, you’ll need to download the ThopTV latest EXE file from the download link.
The ThopTV executable file installation process on your Windows PC/Laptop is very simple.
ThopTV (exe) for Windows | 32 bit & 64 bit.
ThopTV has a dedicated Live Chat Support for further assistance.ĭownload ThopTV For PC | 2021 32Bit 64Bit.
You can choose your preferred sound language as well.
Fully compatible with all Android devices.
Sports, Cartoons, News, Entertainment, Regional channels, etc are available for free.
Once selected, you’ll receive notifications of your favorite dramas and movies.
Compatible with Amazon Firestick streaming device, Smart TVs, etc.
5000+ Radio channels are also available.
Thousands of TV Serials are available in ThopTV APP Database.
The screen Cast feature is also available.
Supports MX Player for high-quality and easy video streaming.
Add your favorite TV channels to your favorite watchlist.
Stream 500+ Indian entertainment channels.
Stream 3000+ movies that are already available in ThopTV APP Database.
You’ll get up to 3000 HD channels worldwide.
ThopTV basically covers all the Live TV channels such as Sports, TV Shows, News, etc.